Doktoranci AST – rocznik 2021

Sebastian Burchardt

My name is Sebastian Burchardt. I graduated in 2021 with a master’s degree in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences. For almost six years, I have been affiliated with the Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, where I have been preparing my PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr Emilia Wilmowicz, Prof. UMK and Dr Agata Kućko (Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences) entitled ‘Evaluation of the usefulness of poly-γ-glutamic acid in increasing the resistance of yellow lupin to drought stress and improving the yield of this species’. During my studies, I was also awarded the competitions ‘Diamond Grant’ organised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Grants4NCUStudents organised by IDUB. My research interests revolve around the effects of soil drought on plants and how to counteract the effects of this stressor. In my spare time I am interested in motoring, urbex, travel, history, DIY, cooking and music.





Sanjana Dutt

With a foundation in Geography along with Remote Sensing and GIS, my journey began in Kolkata, India. As an Earth Observation Scientist, I am passionate about understanding the spatio-temporal changes in nature and their impact on the environment. My current research seeks to determine and predict the changes in the landscape structure of Poland’s Tuchola forest as a result of storm events. More particularly, I am working on the “hows” and “whys” of forest fragmentation.

When not analyzing environmental data, you can find me embracing nature. My passion extends beyond science to traveling, photography, art, and music, finding solace and inspiration in the natural world.



Agnieszka Kobak

Jestem doktorantką w Szkole Doktorskiej Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych. Mój projekt doktorski dotyczy formowania się masywnych gwiazd. W celu badania warunków fizycznych w tych rejonach wykorzystuję interferometryczne obserwacje maserów metanolu, pary wodnej lub cząseteczki OH. Ważnym aspektem moich badań są również wyliczenia dotyczące siły pola magnetycznego oraz jego wpływ na powstawanie oraz ewolucję masywnych protogwiazd.







Agnieszka Marjanowska

I am a PhD student at the Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis and the Doctoral School Matter, Molecules and Materials at the University of Angers, France. In my work, I mainly investigate the optoelectric properties of thin perovskite layers and their use in photovoltaics. My scientific interests are also related to luminescence research in dating.

Apart from work, I love spending time surrounded by nature, reading books, or walking in the mountains. Recently, I have been trying my hand at latino dancing and sailing.





Kinga Milewska

I am a PhD student at the Department of Soil Science and Landscape Management. Studies in geography (specialization in physical geography) developed my passion for soil science and geomorphology. I pay particular attention to changes in soil cover due to the impact of human activity and changes in climatic conditions in the environment. In my research work, I focus on soil color, from the point of view of soil classification and subjective color perception.

Apart from my scientific life, I am interested in RPG games, board games, cosplay and independent music.




Zuzanna Plichta

I’m a PhD student at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology, under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Jarosław Kobak. My research focuses on invasive crayfish species and their interactions between each other and different species while presented to various environmental factors. We want to check if there are any differences between old invader (Faxonius limosus) and two new invaders – Procambarus virginalis, a species which consists of only parthenogenic females, and Procambarus clarkii that used to be a popular aquarium species with a lot of striking, colourful morphs. Our research is meant to provide new information about invasive crayfish species and interactions between old settled invaders and newly arrived invaders, and the possibility of habitat partitioning.

Aside from my research I love creating art, playing various games and anything that has to do with amphibians and bugs!





Jarosław Sarnowski

Jestem doktorantem Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis. Studia magisterskie na kierunku matematyka ukończyłem w 2021 roku. Moje zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą zastosowania metod analizy funkcjonalnej do badania abstrakcyjnych równań ewolucyjnych. W szczególności interesuje mnie zjawisko maksymalnej regularności równań ewolucyjnych, zagadnienia perturbacji warunków brzegowych oraz stabilności. W wolnym czasie uprawiam sport oraz podróżuję.