General information

Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis

Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences offers education in doctoral programs in exact and natural sciences in the disciplines:

Council of the School

  1. Prof. dr. hab. Wiesław Nowak – Director of the School, Chairman of the Council
  2. Prof. dr. hab. Winicjusz Drozdowski – Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
  3. Prof. dr. hab. Grzegorz Bobiński – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science/Chairman of the Discipline of Mathematics
  4. dr hab. Urszula Kiełkowska, prof. NCU – Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry/Chairman of the Discipline of Chemical Sciences
  5. Prof. dr. hab. Justyna Rogalska – Dean of the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences
  6. dr hab. Marcin Świtoniak, prof. NCU – Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management
  7. Prof. dr. hab. Piotr Masłowski – Chairman of the Discipline of Physical Sciences
  8. Dr. hab. Piotr Hulisz, prof. NCU – Chairman of the Discipline of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  9. Dr. hab. Krzysztof Katarzyński, prof. NCU – Chairman of the Discipline of Astronomy
  10. Dr. hab. Dariusz Smoliński, prof. NCU – Chairman of the Discipline of Biological Sciences
  11. Dr hab. Paweł Antosik, prof. NCU – Chairman of the Discipline of Veterinary Medicine
  12. Mgr Patryk Rybczyński – Representative of doctoral students

The AST office (Collegium Humanisticum, ul./ Bojarskiego 1, Toruń, room C.032)  is open for PhS students from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 – 12:00.