New Rector's decree - obligations of doctoral students


The Rector of NCU has announced a new decree with obligations of employees, doctoral students and students. In particular:

1. All employees, doctoral students and students of the University are obliged to immediately inform the head of their relevant organizational units and their direct superior about:

1) coming from abroad regions with confirmed COVID-19 virus occurrence;
2) deterioration of health manifested by symptoms characteristic of COVID-19 virus;
3) suspecting to be infected with COVID-19 virus as a result of contact with and infected person.

2. The head of an organizational unit is obliged to transmit the above information to relevant Sanitation Inspector and the Rector.

3. The persons mentioned in paragraph 1 are obliged to remain at home for the period of two weeks without the necessity of obtaining a doctor’s leave.

We also inform that based on the Dean's decree dated 13.03.2020 on closing the buildings of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics for students and doctoral students, the secretary office of the AST doctoral school will perform its work remotely. We ask You to contact the secretary office by e-mail only.

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