COVID-19 - new instructions by the Rector and the Chancellor


Dear All,

On September 27, new instructions of the Rector and the Chancellor of the NCU were published regarding the functioning of the NCU, the organization of education and the operation of the administration in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic.

We urge all PhD students to remember to cover their noses and mouths both in classrooms and corridors.

Please announce your visit by phone or e-mail before coming to the office. Please stay in the corridor and remember to cover your face and disinfect your hands.

In the event of alarming symptoms suggesting Covid-19 infection, students, PhD students and other participants of the education process should stay at home and contact a health care physician, the sanitary and epidemiological station or the hospital's infectious diseases department by phone.

Employees, doctoral students, students and participants of other forms of education may submit information and questions regarding the functioning of the University during the pandemic to the address

You can read the content of the new legal acts below:

Information no 185

Detailed rules for the use of the University buildings and their preparation for users

Information no 186

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