Workshops - STER programme

Dear PhD Students,

With the generous support of NAWA STER project, the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School is organizing a series of workshops for PhD students.

The workshops are tailored specifically for PhD students and are intended to provide an opportunity to explore a wide range of topics which are relevant for real-life applications and will strengthen the skills necessary to succeed academically.

There are 3 workshops to choose from:

  • Best grant opportunity for new postdocs: how to successfully apply for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship?
  • Public speaking and investor pitching.
  • The social dimension of science.

The call for applications is now open, and we highly encourage doctoral students to submit their applications and apply for one of the above-mentioned workshops.

*Please note that each PhD student can apply to one workshop only.

**The number of participants is limited.

For more information about the workshops and application details please check the School’s website:

For questions please contact:

We are looking forward to your applications!

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