Minigrants results II/23


Dear PhD candidates,

We would like to inform you that the following students will receive the funding under the II/23 minigrant competition. The competition commission decided to award to the following PhD candidates:

Nr albumu Kwota
503155 0,00 zł
503327 1 400,00 zł
503318 5 000,00 zł
503232 5 600,00 zł
503245 4 500,00 zł
503402 1 800,00 zł
503401 1 800,00 zł
503394 0,00 zł
503323 4 500,00 zł
503235 5 200,00 zł
503319 4 500,00 zł
503289 4 000,00 zł
503135 780,00 zł
503383 3 500,00 zł
503414 4 500,00 zł
503236 1 100,00 zł

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