Online lectures - Ethics and plagiarism - starts on Thursday, November 23rd, 11 a.m.


Dear PhD candidates,

for the next 4 weeks on THURSDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. (1,5h) there will be online lectures given by dr Agnieszka Raubo from Adam Mickiewicz University on ehics and plagiarism. The lectures are obligatory for 1st year AST PhD candidates, of course everyone is welcome to join as the subject is strongly connected to your scientific pathway.

The schedule:

- 23.11.2023 11:00-12:30

- 30.11.2023 11:00-12:30

- 07.12.2023 11:00-12:30

- 14.12.2023 11:00-12:30

The topics covered within the lectures (there might be some slight changes in titles):
1. Scientific plagiarism. Consequences and real examples of plagiarized doctoral dissertations.
2. Data falsification and fabrication in science. Ramifications for PhD candidates.
3. Self-plagiarism in light of  ethical and legal delibarations. Real and possible consuequnces.
4. Good and bad practices in science. Art of citation and value of authorship.

The lectures will be conducted via MS Teams.

The lectures are organised with the ID-UB programme. Find more here:

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