AST Minigrants II/2024 results!


Hereby we annouce the results of the II/2024 AST minigrants competition.

The expenses should be finalized in 2024 (final invoice).

Tthe results of the Mnigrant competion II/2024:

Lp. Index No. Amount [PLN]
1 503394 5 375,00 zł
2 503230 6 700,00 zł
3 503317 4 422,95 zł
4 503287 4 985,00 zł
5 503414 1 935,00 zł
6 503231 4 850,00 zł
7 503544 6 000,00 zł
8 503402 4 362,00 zł
9 503569 5 000,00 zł
10 503319 5 375,00 zł
11 503400 5 000,00 zł
12 503407 5 400,00 zł
13 503235 5 375,00 zł
14 503548 5 000,00 zł
15 503383 5 000,00 zł
16 503323 5 000,00 zł
17 503551 5 375,00 zł
18 503424 5 500,00 zł
19 503554 1 085,00 zł
20 503401 4 562,00 zł
21 503147 5 250,00 zł
22 503327 5 500,00 zł
23 503555 2 900,00 zł
24 503546 3 200,00 zł

If you are not listed above please contact the School Director directly.

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