Recruitment 2021
As a result of Order No. 157 of the Rector amending Order No. 104 of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń of 21 April 2021 on the limit of basic scholarship places and the timetable of recruitment procedures at the Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń University in the academic year 2021/2022 for the Doctoral School in Social Sciences, the limit of basic scholarship places has been set at 14.
The recruitment procedures are launched on August 23rd, 2021.
All required documents (below) should be delivered to the Doctoral School of Social Sciences by September 3rd, 2021 (by midnight).
All documents should be sent in electronic version, preferably in the PDF format, to the email address: . Due to COVID-19 pandemics, the documents in traditional format (print and paper versions) will not be accepted. Please name each file in the following manner: LASTNAME.FIRSTNAME.CV; LASTNAME.FIRSTNAME.application, etc.
Only full applications, submitted between August 23rd and September 3rd, 2021, will be proceeded. Incomplete or/and overdue submissions will not be qualified for further procedure. It is the responsibility of candidates to provide a complete set of required documents.
The list of required documents:
- Application for admission, generated from IRK system (The application form is available in the “Enrollment Applications” tab next to the enrollment information for a particular major – the last row of the table for a particular major under the “Documents and Next Steps” link);
- CV as described in § 5 point 2 of the Attachment 1 to the Senate Resolution;
- Master’s Degree diploma or equivalent;
- Master’s Thesis;
- Letter of recommendation from a senior researcher (in accordance with § 5 point 4 of the Attachment 1 to the Senate Resolution);
- Research project (in accordance with § 5 point 5 of the Attachment 1 to the Senate Resolution);
- Declarations necessary in the recruitment process, being Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 to the Senate Resolution;
- Apostille or diploma authentication – for graduates from non-Polish universities;
- (number and types depending on individual candidate) Attachments that confirm the achievements and qualifications demonstrated in the CV (in accordance with § 5 point 3 of the Attachment 1 to the Senate Resolution);
- List of basic documents and List of annexes confirming qualifications.
The rules and proceedings applicable in the 2021 recruitment: